Back to School: Your Guide to a Smarter Start

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The beginning of a new school year can feel like the beginning of a new year, with the excitement of the multitude of possibilities that lay ahead. A “new year” is the opportunity to learn from the past and commit to doing things differently, but instead of making the common fitness and financial New Year’s resolutions, for teachers, September is a chance to make the new school year better than the last. Many teachers spend significant time thinking about what wonderful and innovative things they could do in their classrooms to engage students in their learning. And — just likely New Year’s resolutions — these grand ideas can fizzle out quickly once the realities of life outweigh good intentions. At StudyForge, we’re here to offer some support.

Let’s revisit a few key articles to help you along the way. 

1. Love it or hate it - AI is here to stay!

2. Tips and Tricks to be a Better Teacher

3. It’s important to fill your own cup.

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