Developing Nuanced Thinkers in a Polarized World
In the last 60 years, there have been exactly 2,843 instances of graduation commencement speeches that used some variation on this phrase: “The goal of
In the last 60 years, there have been exactly 2,843 instances of graduation commencement speeches that used some variation on this phrase: “The goal of
Teaching can often feel like climbing Mount Everest. There’s just so much to do, and sometimes it can feel like an insurmountable job! When I
Think back to your time in high school: Can you remember the most engaging, thought-provoking, or exciting lesson you were ever in? It might not
The most influential teacher I ever had was always looking down on us. Mr. Bron was my teacher for both 6th and 7th grade. He
The beginning of a new school year can feel like the beginning of a new year, with the excitement of the multitude of possibilities that
While the lyrics in Cher’s song, “If I Could Turn Back Time,” are about a romantic relationship, whenever I hear it, it makes me think
At StudyForge, we have been fortunate enough to rub shoulders with thousands of fantastic online educators over the last 10+ years. When we do, we
A negative experience I had during my teacher training profoundly shaped the way I thought about assessment. The course was, ironically enough, about best practice
A New Future — A New Context for Education Hi! My name is Richard, and I think it’s likely that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going
Few things have rocked the world of education like the arrival of ChatGPT in November of 2022. I am not a teacher, but I do
If I had to compile a list of phrases that are most commonly on my lips as a parent of three teenagers and one pre-teen,