Welcome back to the School Year!

Picture of Toni Lyons

Toni Lyons

New to using StudyForge, or just need a refresher for the new school year? Learn best practices while using StudyForge in your virtual classroom.


Let’s make sure you get off on the right foot and start your school year off right! We’d like to offer some tips on using StudyForge that have been proven effective for online teachers.

Tip #1: Connection, Connection, Connection – Introduce Yourself Right Away


Don’t wait for your students to reach out to you. Email each and everyone in your class a welcome letter.

What should be included? We suggest:

  • Personality – Share something about yourself that can be relatable or interesting to your students. 
  • The best way to communicate. Is it email, LMS message board, Zoom/Skype, carrier pigeon? Let them know how they’ll best get a hold of you.
  • Give them instruction on how your course works and how they can work the course to their advantage.
    • Instructions around how to submit assignments
    • What they should expect for feedback / assessments etc
  • Course Outline and Sample Timeline.

Tip #2: Get Familiar with the StudyForge Navigation Bar 


The StudyForge Navigation Bar is one of your best friends especially if you teach more than one class; it can take you directly to a Course/Chapter/Lesson or to a specific class or student instantly. This is very helpful when you have to meet with a parent or student as you can access their progress right away. You’ll wonder what you did before you had it or started using it.

Get yourself familiar with your new best friend by watching these Knowledge Base Videos:

Start Here: How do I navigate StudyForge as a teacher?

How do I view my group’s progress?

How do I view my student’s progress?

Tip #3: Make StudyForge Courses Your Own


Our courses have been designed to be a complete turn-key course without any supplements or alterations. However, we know you may want to add your personal touch which is why we give teachers the option to customize their course. Watch these Knowledge Base Videos to learn how to do this. 

Customizing a Course

Customizing a Lesson

You can also customize your students’ assessments experience with StudyForge. Learn how to add more time or add another attempt for either the whole class or an individual student. 

How do I edit activity settings such as “add more time” or “add another attempt” on a test?

Tip #4: Help Your Student Become a StudyForge Pro


You may have students new to online learning and this can feel intimidating to them. Set them up for success by sharing these videos that encourage them to be brave, adventurous and studious.

How do I do a lesson?

What can I do in a practice question?

 Tip #5: **New Feature – Teacher Dashboard


New this semester is the Teacher Dashboard (in beta testing). One feature is to use the pre-built Activities dashboard tab to show you when a student has handed-in assignments through StudyForge, or if there are activities that require grading. 

Read this Knowledge Base Article to set up your very own dashboard.

How to set up your StudyForge Teacher Dashboard.

This is just a brief overview of things we think will help you get off to a great start. For more support, please check out our StudyForge Support Hub. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, please fill out this form or email: support@studyforge.net and we’ll be happy to help you out!

We consider it an honour to be part of your class. We believe that you as the teacher are a true superhero and we will do all we can to support you.

Please reach out with any questions you may have.

Thanks and have a great start to the school year.

About the Author

Toni Lyons

Client Success Manager

Toni Lyons is the heart behind customer success at StudyForge, making sure educators and students get the most out of their learning experience. With a passion for finding creative solutions, she is known for always prioritizing the person. Whether she’s helping schools implement new tools or fine-tuning support strategies, Toni is all about making digital learning seamless and effective. She brings a mix of expertise, enthusiasm, and a little bit of fun to everything she does. Based in the scenic mountain town of Hope, BC, she loves trying out new restaurants and is a self-proclaimed foodie, and then walking it off with her dog, Bella.

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