Exciting Announcement from StudyForge

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2025 is a transformative year for StudyForge, with new opportunities for growth and expansion. In order to increase capacity and focus, we are separating the software development and content development into distinct teams. Former Director and founder of StudyForge, Richard Bitgood, is excited to be moving from his current position to take the lead of the newly created software development team.
And with that, StudyForge is proud to announce our
New Director, Brian Oger.

Brian has worked in education for 18 years, including nine years with StudyForge. He began his career as an education assistant for students with unique learning needs; he then became a middle-school teacher, a K-12 vice-principal, and then a curriculum developer and online high-school teacher. This breadth of experience in different areas of education are part of the reason why Brian was chosen to be the Director of StudyForge. His passion for providing quality, user-friendly curriculum has grown out of these experiences.

“I’m excited about this new role because of how passionate I am about online education. For some kids, brick-and-mortar school just doesn’t work, and for them, online school can be a real lifeline. I’ve known students personally who were crumbling in traditional schools, but when they moved into the online world, their lives became so much more manageable. They had room to breathe. They weren’t in survival mode anymore, so they could actually start learning again. Students like this motivate me to get out of bed in the morning and keep doing what I’m doing. We are creating a model of education that provides a path to success for some great kids for whom, for whatever reason, the traditional model just doesn’t fit.”

Brian’s first experience in online teaching began in 2016. He taught a Grade 10 hybrid class once a week. At the same time, he also took part in writing an online course for the first time. “Teaching in a hybrid model was a real challenge, but later on, when I was able to adapt an online course for the classroom, it made my life so much easier. This is one of the reasons I believe in what we are doing at StudyForge. I want to empower schools and teachers to deliver flexible models of education, and the courses that we write do just that. Can we create courses that are adaptable enough to work for students who are gifted and those who struggle and everyone in between? For online schools and a digital textbook for face-to-face teachers? I know we can.”

Brian is married, has four children, and lives in White Rock, British Columbia. In his spare time he is a songwriter and musician in a fledgling folk band.

In 2025, our mission is to continue to make online courses more learnable. Our core values and vision remain the same, we just want to be able to do it faster, and better – which means we have chosen to invest in growing and prioritizing our software. With that, Richard will be spending his time focusing on how to best innovate StudyForge’s technology to create tools that make online teaching and learning easier.

“I am thrilled to be embarking on this new journey focusing on expanding StudyForge’s software development. I have worked with Brian for the last nine years and feel like he is the best person to carry on StudyForge’s mission to provide engaging curriculum to students and make teacher’s lives easier.” – Richard Bitgood

These changes solidify StudyForge’s commitment to provide our clients with high-quality curriculum and software, while continuing to evolve as we grow.

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