
Get the tools you need to make a difference.

(You won’t want to teach online without them)

Learnable Content

What if your online math curriculum is actually making learning harder? Learning math online doesn’t have to be boring and ineffective! StudyForge was founded by educators as a solution to the “unengaging online curriculum” problem. Our award-winning courses are so effective, they’re proven to outperform traditional classroom lectures.

We build our curriculum around the best research in the cognitive load model of learning. We use techniques such as the 6-second rule (so students’ eyes don’t wander), whiteboard videos (so information stays for the entire video and doesn’t disappear…), printable note-packages (to increase learning retention), and mastery based pedagogy (to prevent learning gaps) so students actually get it. Our team has decades of combined experience crafting effective digital instruction.

More interested students. More effective learning.

Better Insights

Real-time reports so you can reach out on time – with information that can actually help.

More than just a generic progress report, StudyForge shows you effort and allows you to drill down and see students work. Answer questions like: Did they watch the video? Did they skip through it? How much time did they spend reading? How did they get to the answer on that practice question?

StudyForge tracks every click, tap, touch, drag and drop a student makes so you can coach them more effectively.

Highly Customizable

We like to think our courses are pretty great out of the box, but we know it can be extremely frustrating when materials can’t be edited.

Want to add or remove content – you can do that!
Want to create your own quiz? – you can do that too!
Need to change the order and put those questions first? No problem.
Want to combine two completely different subjects into one? Not sure why you’d want to… you can still do that as well.

Complete customization – make your course fit you and your students.

Digital Assessments

Digital assessments make marking easy. StudyForge connects directly with the gradebook in your LMS, so you are in complete control.

Autograding capabilities allow the option for students to receive results immediately after quizzes and exams without you ever having to touch a keyboard. This isn’t just for multiple choice either; there are numerous question types from essays to short answers to matching questions. StudyForge provides you the option to override grades and give partial marks for the work done, and give valuable feedback to your students.

With many assessment options including quizzes, digital hand-in assignments and even participation based activities, students interact with StudyForge the way you want. You can customize exam settings for your school, class or even individual student.

Flexible, time saving assessments that make marking easy.

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Easy integration

Easy Integration in your LMS.

StudyForge content appears in your LMS – no username required! We are 1EDTECH Certified for LTI. With single sign-on, your student’s won’t even realize they have left your platform. This means you don’t need to manage separate credentials to find the results of your students’ progress.

Have multiple LMS systems? No problem – StudyForge integrates with all of them seamlessly while keeping your students’ progress.


StudyForge is committed to providing authentic accessibility where features don’t just check boxes but actually help students learn.

Features include:

  • Accessibility Mode for Lessons
  • Screen Reader Compatibility
  • Closed Captioning
  • Alternate Content for Videos*
  • Alt Text for Described Images*
  • Accessible Quizzes

*Not available in all courses. Contact us for full details.

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Get the tools you need to make a difference.

(You won’t want to teach online without them)

Learnable Content

What if your online math curriculum is actually making learning harder? Learning math online doesn’t have to be boring and ineffective! StudyForge was founded by educators as a solution to the “unengaging online curriculum” problem. Our award-winning courses are so effective, they’re proven to outperform traditional classroom lectures.

We build our curriculum around the best research in the cognitive load model of learning. We use techniques such as the 6-second rule (so students’ eyes don’t wander), whiteboard videos (so information stays for the entire video and doesn’t disappear…), printable note-packages (to increase learning retention), and mastery based pedagogy (to prevent learning gaps) so students actually get it. Our team has decades of combined experience crafting effective digital instruction.

More interested students. More effective learning.

Better Insights

Real-time reports so you can reach out on time – with information that can actually help.

More than just a generic progress report, StudyForge shows you effort and allows you to drill down and see students work. Answer questions like: Did they watch the video? Did they skip through it? How much time did they spend reading? How did they get to the answer on that practice question?

StudyForge tracks every click, tap, touch, drag and drop a student makes so you can coach them more effectively.

Highly Customizable

We like to think our courses are pretty great out of the box, but we know it can be extremely frustrating when materials can’t be edited.

Want to add or remove content – you can do that!
Want to create your own quiz? – you can do that too!
Need to change the order and put those questions first? No problem.
Want to combine two completely different subjects into one? Not sure why you’d want to… you can still do that as well.

Complete customization – make your course fit you and your students.

Digital Assessments

Digital assessments make marking easy. StudyForge connects directly with the gradebook in your LMS, so you are in complete control.

Autograding capabilities allow the option for students to receive results immediately after quizzes and exams without you ever having to touch a keyboard. This isn’t just for multiple choice either; there are numerous question types from essays to short answers to matching questions. StudyForge provides you the option to override grades and give partial marks for the work done, and give valuable feedback to your students.

With many assessment options including quizzes, digital hand-in assignments and even participation based activities, students interact with StudyForge the way you want. You can customize exam settings for your school, class or even individual student.

Flexible, time saving assessments that make marking easy.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Easy integration

Easy Integration in your LMS.

StudyForge content appears in your LMS – no username required! We are 1EDTECH Certified for LTI. With single sign-on, your student’s won’t even realize they have left your platform. This means you don’t need to manage separate credentials to find the results of your students’ progress.

Have multiple LMS systems? No problem – StudyForge integrates with all of them seamlessly while keeping your students’ progress.


StudyForge is committed to providing authentic accessibility where features don’t just check boxes but actually help students learn.

Features include:

  • Accessibility Mode for Lessons
  • Screen Reader Compatibility
  • Closed Captioning
  • Alternate Content for Videos*
  • Alt Text for Described Images*
  • Accessible Quizzes

*Not available in all courses. Contact us for full details.

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